Suspension Series

The Suspension series was originally inspired by professor Brian Cox and his discussion about how everything will eventually break down into Stardust. From complex forms to simple forms. Having lost my Nana at the time, and not being religious this concept really helped me. The irony was to the human eye the simple chaotic forms of Stardust looked far more complicated and beautiful than the complex forms they had started as. From this idea I started thinking about the idea of the Id and Ego, chaos and control. As people we control  how we are perceived, which is often different to how we feel inside. I was interested in this juxtaposition and wanted to capture this in the paintings. The randomness in the painting is not truly random, but was influenced, just like a rock is influenced by the elements, or as a person is influenced by their environment. I sculpted the representation of randomness with movement and heat, into rock like forms that I see in the landscape around me. The geometric forms represent control and relate to relationships I was thinking of at the time. The names of the pieces are elements within the periodic table.
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Regular price £395.00 Sold
Regular price £395.00 Sold
Regular price £395.00 Sold
Regular price £395.00
Regular price £395.00
Regular price £395.00